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Projects by Type and Status

6 projects for Ongoing - Environmental Assessment (EA):

Imperial Oil NWT Ltd. proposes to use Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to replace a broken flowline between Goose and Bear Islands at its Norman Wells Operations. This flowline is required to allow for continued oil and gas production for a…

Imperial Oil's applications to the Canada Energy Regulator and the Sahtu Land and Water Board for the Norman Wells Operations was referred to environmental assessment by the Sahtu Secreteriat Inc. This referral includes the entire Norman Wells…

Pine Point Mining Limited is proposing to build a zinc and lead mine 42 km east of Hay River and 53 km southwest of Fort Resolution.  Construction will take approximately 1.5 years with a mine life of 10 to 15 years. Zinc and lead…

The purpose of the project is to expand and upgrade the 79 km long Howard's Pass Access Road to a two lane gravel road. The road is located in the southwestern NWT in the Mackenzie Mountains. The road starts at km 188 of the Nahanni Range Road, near…

The GNWT proposes to construct an all weather gravel highway along the Mackenzie Valley bewteen Wrigley and Norman Wells.The route mostly follows the existing winter road. Approximately 281 km of new highway will be built from Hodgson Creek (…

Tyhee applied for a land use permit and a water licence to construct and operate a gold mine 88 km north of Yellowknife near the Discovery Mine site. This environmental assessment replaces EA0506-004 for which applications have been withdrawn.  

40 projects for Complete - Environmental Assessment (EA):

Diavik proposes to store processed kimberlite, a mine waste, in the mined-out open pits and underground workings. Diavik plans to place mine waste in the pits from 2021 until mine closure in 2025. Diavik will place a minimum 40 m fresh water…

The Tłı̨chǫ All-season Road project, a highway under the Highways Act, consists of the construction and operation of a 94 km all season highway from km 196 of Highway 3, west of Behchokǫ̀, north to the existing all season road near Whatì.…

The project consists of the construction, operation and closure of a 180 km all season access road from the Prairie Creek Mine (km 0) to the Liard Hwy (km 180). The route is currently winter only but has not been used since 1982. There are some…

An environmental assessment regarding proposed amendments to the Snap Lake Diamond Mine water licence MV2011L2-0004. This amendment application includes a request to increase TDS above the limit set within recommendations…

The Jay Project is an expansion of the Ekati Diamond Mine. It consists of a horseshoe dike in Lac du Sauvage to expose the proposed open pit, transport of ore in trucks approx. 30 km along the proposed Jay Road and existing Misery Haul Road and…

This is a diamond drilling exploration project proposed southeast of Burnt Island on Great Slave Lake, NT in the Drybones Bay area.---The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board preliminary screening and regulatory public registry is available here:…

An exploration project for pegmatite containing lithium and tantalum, 115 kilometres SE of Yellowknife on the north shore of Great Slave Lake.

Avalon Rare Metals Inc. proposes to build a rare earth elements underground mine at their Nechalacho site near Thor Lake, 100 kilometers southeast of Yellowknife on the north side of Great Slave Lake and a metallurgical plant at the former Pine…

Fortune Minerals Ltd proposes a cobalt-gold-bismuth mining and milling project approximately 50 kilometres north-north-east of Whati. The proposed development is within the Tlicho territory as part of the Wekzh co-management lands. The project…

Proposed project to reclaim the Giant Mine site, located 5km north of Yellowknife. The development includes the containment of 237,000 tonnes of arsenic trioxide dust currently stored underground.  

The proposed Prairie Creek Mine project is an underground lead-zinc mining and milling operation located within the expansion area of Nahanni National Park Reserve. Access to the mine is from the Liard Highway is via a 184 km winter road. --- The…

Mineral exploration program seeking lead-zinc mineralization at Howard's Pass in the Mackenzie Mountains.

Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is proposing to use underground mining methods to extract, separate and provide transport for a 1,000,000 tonne bulk sample from the Pine Point site, 48 km east of Hay River.

Uranium exploration at Screech Lake in the Thelon watershed. The project includes up to 20 drill holes and a camp. The proposed development is essentially the same as that subject to EA0506-003 which was cancelled due to the developer withdrawing…

This is a proposal for a large diamond mine at Kennady Lake, NT.

Paramount proposed to acquire 42 km of 2D seismic near the Cameron Hills in the southern NWT. Line spacing is 500 metres at a line width of 6 metres

Project proposes exploratory diamond drilling in an area of existing development already planned under a previous Land Use Permit. Project consists of 60 drill sites, with 1-2 holes per site, the construction of a winter road, expansion of existing…

Proposed drilling and tie-in of oil and gas wells in the Cameron Hills, NT.

Small exploration drilling project. This project was included in the joint study of the cumulative effects of developments in the Drybones Bay/Wool Bay area.

Preliminary diamond exploration project at Drybones Bay, Akaitcho region, NWT.

Preliminary exploration drilling involving 2 drill holes at each of three sites.

Proposed natural gas production from three fields in the Mackenzie Valley and a 1220-kilometre natural gas pipeline system along the Mackenzie Valley to the existing pipeline grid in Alberta.

Proposed 1,045 meter bridge across the Mackenzie River, near Fort Providence, NT.

Oil and gas exploration project at Summit Creek, Sahtu region, NWT

Small exploratory diamond exploration, comprising 2-3 drill holes at one site. This project was one jointly assessed with several other exploratory drilling programs in this area.

A 2D linear seismic data acquisition program to be conducted along the Mackenzie River. The project would include a seismic energy source being towed by barge along the Mackenzie and issues of how the ensuing acoustic output may impact river biota…

Application for a timber harvesting permit in the Pine Point area

Exploratory drilling program located near the Prairie Creek mine site, Nahanni, Dehcho region, NWT. The project is located in a relatively active development area.

Underground diamond mine, with a 3,000 tonne/day capacity and a 22 year lifespan, Akaitcho region.

Development includes a 600m underground decline and exploratory drilling program as well as a metallurgical pilot plant. The proposed mine will exploit a known lead/zinc/silver/copper deposit in the south Nahanni, Dehcho Region.

Originally, the Phase I Mineral Exploration Drilling Program and the Cat Camp Fuel Cache Retrieval and Clean-up development were under one land use permit. However, the Review Board split this into two separate environmental assessments, although…

Natural gas exploratory drilling at Arrowhead and Boive Lake North. Development includes construction of access roads, drilling three wells, production testing, sour gas flaring, rehabilitation and capping of the wells.

Amendment to a seismic program that would lengthen the seismic line by 4 km and tie in two abandoned and plugged oil wells.

Originally, the Phase I Mineral Exploration Drilling Program and the Cat Camp Fuel Cache Retrieval and Clean-up development were under one land use permit. However, the Review Board split this into two separate environmental assessments, although…

Project proposes development of three kimberlite pipes, and the eventual development, reclamation and abandonment of associated mines.

The development proposal consisted of two gas wells, one produced water injection well, a sour gas pipeline, a produced water pipeline (in a common trench with the gas line), one all season road and all construction and operation activities…

Timber harvest development near Enterprise

2 projects for Complete - Environmental Impact Review (EIR):

The proposed development is a large open-pit diamond mine located approximately 280 km northeast of Yellowknife, NT. This development was initially referred to environmental assessment on Dec. 22, 2005. On June 13, 2006, the Mackenzie Valley…

This proposed project is a 1220-kilometre natural gas pipeline system along the Mackenzie Valley which will connect natural gas production from three fields in the Mackenzie Delta to the existing pipeline grid in Alberta.After the environmental…

7 projects for Complete - Other Board Decision:

This is a preliminary screening for a Wildlife Permit to bait bears in the Tlicho region. The Review Board is reviewing the file under its discretionary authority of s.126(3) of the MVRMA.

Exploration on land in the vicinity of Hornby Bay, on the McTavish Arm of Great Bear Lake

The NWT Treaty #8 Tribal Corporation wrote to the MVEIRB and requested an environmental assessment on this proposed development pursuant to s 126(3).

The Town of Hay River applied to have its Water License amended to operate a biotreatment pad for hydrocarbon contaminated soil. The K'atlodeeche First Nation requested an Environmental Assessment.

Proposed clean-up and reclamation of a closed gold mine within Yellowknife city limits.

17 projects for Withdrawn - Environmental Assessment (EA):

Husky's land use permit application, W2014Q0005, describes proposed exploration work on mineral claims and leases held by the company in order to evaluate a high quality silica deposit, located on the southwestern shore of the North Arm of Great…

MGM Energy Corp. proposes an unconventional oil project in the Tulita district. The��� development includes wellpad construction, drilling, completion and testing for unconventional oil resources, horizontal fracturing, produced…

10-20 hole diamond drilling mineral exploration program in the Dubawnt River Watershed of the Thelon Drainage Basin in the vicinity of the Thelon Game Sanctuary.

10-20 hole diamond drill mineral exploration program within the Dubawnt River Watershed of the Thelon River drainage basin in the vicinity of the Thelon Game Sanctuary.

Exploratory drill program planned in the Thelon Basin, Akaitcho Region.

Mineral exploration in the Thelon Basin, Akaitcho region. The project is to conduct surveys and exploration drilling seeking uranium mineralization and gold.

This is a hydroelectric project that adds a new 36 megawatts of power generating capacity to the existing 18 megawatt Taltson Twin Gorges Plant and includes transmission lines through the Akaitcho region and Monfwi Gogha De Niitlee. ---Preliminary…

The proposed development includes approximately 40 drill holes.

The proposed development involves a camp, fuel storage, prospecting, and approximately 9 drill holes. It is to be conducted in summer and fall.

Gold mining and milling project 88 km north of Yellowknife, NWT near the former Discovery Mine

Proposed mineral exploration, drilling and prospecting near the Horn River, NT.

Northrock Resources propose a temporary airstrip near the Keele River in support of its oil and gas exploration activities in the Summit Creek area southeast of Tulita.

Robinson's Trucking Ltd. Drybones Bay gravel quarry was initially referred in March 2001 but was put on hold by the Review Board because the company decided not to proceed with the environmental assessment at that time.

A proposal to harvest mature White Spruce saw timber

A proposal to harvest mature White Spruce saw timber

9 projects for Cancelled - Environmental Assessment (EA):

Imperial Oil proposes to build and operate a waste management facility to support ongoing reclamation in the period leading up to the closure of the Norman Wells Operation. The waste management facility will also be used for long-term storage of…

This is a mineral exploration project proposed near Hornby Bay on the McTavish arm of Great Bear Lake in the Sahtu.The public registry of Other Board Decision(OBD)0708-001 Hunter Bay Minerals - Great Bear Lake Mineral Exploration will be…

The proposed extension to the Miramar Con water license is associated with certain remediation activities at the mine site. Miramar Con mine was an active gold mining operation within Yellowknife city limits that has since closed.

This is an inland diamond exploration project near Defeat Lake, on the east side of the north arm of Great Slave Lake. ---Preliminary screening public registry is available here: MV2994C0039 Sidon International Resources Corp. ---

This is an 8-24 drill hole diamond exploration project in the general area of Drybones Bay ---Preliminary screening public registry is available here: MV2004C0038 Consolidated Goldwin Ventures ---

The proposed development involves a camp, fuel storage, prospecting and approximately 5 drill holes. It is a summer/fall operation.

Mineral exploration at Meridian Lake near the East Arm, Great Slave Lake.

The development is a 2 line aquatic seismic program proposed for an area in the southern Mackenzie Valley, north of the community of Fort Liard and adjacent to the community of Nahanni Butte. The Northern Rivers Survey Ltd. aquatic seismic survey of…