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Aboriginal land claim organizations nominate half of the board members, and the federal and territorial governments nominate the other half of the board members. The entire board nominates the Chairperson. As the federal minister responsible for the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations appoints all the members to the Review Board.

JoAnne Deneron, Chairperson

Ms. JoAnne Deneron was appointed as the Chairperson of the Review Board on March 29, 2014 (reappointed on March 29, 2017) and is serving her 4th term. 

Originally born in the Yukon, Ms. Deneron is a member of the Tlingit First Nation. She has…

David Krutko, Board member (Gwich ın nominee)

The Review Board members and staff welcome Mr. David Krutko. He is a Gwich'in nominee and he was appointed on February 16, 2017 and is serving his 3rd term. Mr. David Krutko comes to the Review Board with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

As a…

Sunny Munroe, Board member (Federal nominee)

The Mackenzie Valley Review Board members and staff welcome Ms. Sunny Munroe back to the Review Board, who was re-appointed in March 2023, she is currently serving her 4th term.

Ms. Munroe, nominated and appointed by the federal government,…

Kate Hearn, Board member (GNWT nominee)

The Review Board members and staff welcome Kate Hearn. Kate is a GNWT nominee and was appointed in December 2022 and is currently serving her 1st term.

Kate has a B.Sc. in geology from the University of Toronto and a Masters in Natural Resources…

Harvey Pierrot, Board member (GNWT nominee)

The Review Board members and staff welcome Mr. Harvey Pierrot. Harvey was appointment for his 1st term, nominated by the Government of the Northwest Territories in August 2021. 

Harvey brings a wealth of experience in enforcement, regulatory…

Brenda Gauthier, Board member (Dehcho nominee)

The Review Board members and staff welcome Brenda Gauthier. Brenda is a Deh Cho nominee and was appointed to the Mackenzie Valley Review Board on March 24, 2022.

Brenda M. Gauthier lives in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories.  She was born…